Friday, January 29, 2010

Making Crowns

We are getting ready for our 100 Day Celebration. The students are making crowns to wear on our special day. Our 100th day will be on February 1st--if it doesn't snow!! :)

Coin Practice

The students took turns in their small groups being the "teacher" and asked their "students" different questions about money. Click on the picture to get a closer view.

Money Lesson

The students worked in groups practicing what they know about pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Mrs. Kay Visits Our Classroom

Our School Counselor visits our classroom every week. The students are playing a name game with her in this photo. She has been discussing trust and the importance of being a positive person.

Pop Can Chart

This picture was taken with 1 day left in the contest. We have over 6,000 cans so far!

Pop Can Fundraiser

This was a delivery of over 3,000 pop cans in one day!! We are excited!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Practicing with the Apple iTouch

We practiced letter recognition and letter sounds today. We also played a few matching games.

Apple iTouch

We had a group of high school students introduce the Apple iTouch to us today.

Telling Time

The students had fun with this website!

Learning About Telling Time

We played a fun game that helped us practice telling time to the hour.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Recess Fun

Check out the snow on the playground! Click on the photo to see a close up view.