Thursday, December 22, 2011

Party Fun

Thank you to the Christmas Party Committee for a great party!!

Pin the Nose on Rudolph

They cheered each other on as each student tried to put Rudolph's nose in the correct spot.

Christmas Party

We enjoyed eating some fun reindeer cupcakes!

Lunch in the Classroom

We had fun eating our sack lunches in our classroom after returning from the "Cars 2" movie.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Special Guest Reader

Mrs. Smith, HS Spanish teacher, was our 1st Special Guest Reader today! :) She read 'Jingle' an interactive story about an adorable puppy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gingerbread House

Everything is edible except for the cotton ball on the chimney.

Show and Tell

Grace shared a homemade gingerbread house that her family made. Her mom visited our classroom and brought gingerbread cookies for us & even read a gingerbread story to us! :)

Learning About Snakes

Some of us chose to touch the snakes. :)


BV Naturalist, Katie, brought 5 different snakes to our classroom.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Katie, BV Naturalist, visited our classroom to teach us about turkeys.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Computer Lab

We love the computer lab! Mrs. Kucera helps us get logged in.

We Are Thankful For.........Tree :)

Everyone came up with several things they are thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!

Being Creative with Shapes

These are on display in our hallway.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

The 1st graders shared their Veteran's Day choral reading with us. Happy Veteran's Day!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Party Treats

We enjoyed delicious treats and played some fun games. We also enjoyed a Halloween story! Thank you to the committee for making this such a great party!!

Halloween Party

Happy Halloween! :)

Classroom Pumpkin :)

We voted on the jack-o-lantern face that we wanted & took turns cleaning out our pumpkin we received on our "Pumpkin Patch Field Trip".

Monday, October 24, 2011

Letter Fun

We like to work with our friends while practicing our letter sounds.

Reading Centers

We work in small groups on initial sounds.

Book Time

We enjoy sharing our library books with our friends.

Playdough Letters

We form letters with playdough and then create objects that begin with that letter.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fire Prevention Week

Click on the picture to take a closer look. What a fun morning!

Firetruck Ride

We had fun riding around Newell on the firetruck. :)

Firefighters Visit Our Classroom

We learned a lot about fire safety! Thank you firefighters! :)


We attended the ICN session "Reading With a Firefighter". The firefighter read a story to us, showed us a video, and let us ask questions about fire safety.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Apple Smiles

We made a healthy & fun snack out of apple wedges, peanut butter, and marshmallows!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Homecoming Banner

The Homecoming theme this year was "street signs". We came up with "One Way to a Mustang Victory!" We had a beautiful day for the parade!! The Mustangs won their game!!


We are finishing up our treats so we can get lined up for the parade.

Homecoming Party

We enjoyed N-F football cookies and juice at our Homecoming party. :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We got to pet a cute little pony at the pumpkin patch.

Playing With Corn

The children absolutely loved playing in this pool of corn!

Picking Out Pumpkins

We each got to pick a small pumpkin to take home. We also got to select one big pumpkin to keep in our classroom.

Hay Ride

We really enjoyed the hayride on our way to and from the pumpkin patch.

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

We took a class photo during our field trip.

Play Time Puppet Show

We are very creative during play time. :) Puppet shows are so much fun!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Football Reader Friday

My son was our Football Reader. :) Go Mustangs!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We made little "ducks" out of cattails.

BV County Naturalist

Katie visited our classroom to teach us about cattails.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Julia Cook's puppy "Jake"

Julia read several of her books & introduced us to her 2 dogs. The Parent Assembly is tonight and will end with a book exchange.

Author Visits Newell-Fonda

Julia Cook, author of children's books, visited our school today! It was so exciting. :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Football Reader

We have a Mustang football player read to us every Friday morning! Go Mustangs!! :)

Math ~ Sorting by color

We have been working on sorting items in Math. We cut colorful pictures and glued them in the appropriate backpacks.

Friday, August 19, 2011

1st Day of School ~ Class video (8-19-11)

We had a great 1st day of school! Click here to see our photos.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Class Photo at King's Pointe

We had a great time at our end of the year picnic!!

Storm Lake ~ King's Pointe Playground

We took a walk to check out the lake. Jenn Wells led the way.

Kindergarten End of the Year Picnic

We had the whole park to ourselves! :)

King's Pointe Playground

We had fun bringing our own picnic lunches.

Thank You Farm Bureau

We really enjoyed all of the fun activities inside the Farm Bureau Learning Barn!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mighty Max Project

We worked on cards for "Mighty Max Low" of Neola, Iowa. He is a 6th grader who has been fighting cancer since he was in Kindergarten. His wish is to receive 1 million cards in the mail. We wanted to do our part to make his wish come true! Here is his address...

Mighty Max Low
P.O. Box 111
Neola, Iowa 51559

Farm Bureau Learning Barn

We just received the Learning Barn to use in our classroom this month during our Farm Unit.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Concert

We did an excellent job performing at the Spring Concert.